The JLIC Jerusalem community, under the leadership of Rav Jeremy Tibbetts and Emily Zimmer Tibbetts, is making waves that ripple far beyond its organizational boundaries. Their high holiday season social action initiative stands as a testament to their commitment to the larger Jewish population and their dedication to giving back.Flyer to the JLIC Jerusalem community about the sukkah building initiative.

A Call to Action

As the High Holidays approached, the JLIC leadership tapped Yosef Stanton to spearhead their seasonal social action efforts. A British engineer turned IDF officer in the Energy Innovation division, Stanton took on the challenge with enthusiasm.

After exploring various options, Stanton landed on a partnership with סוכת שלום (Sukat Shalom), an organization with a noble mission. Their goal? To assist families of IDF soldiers, including those injured in the ongoing conflict, in building their sukkot for the upcoming festival of Sukkot.

JLIC community members building a sukkah

Timing and Necessity

The campaign’s timing couldn’t be more crucial. With the current geopolitical situation leading to an unprecedented number of reserve call-ups – and, sadly, leaving many Israelis injured – many families find themselves without the necessary hands to prepare for the holiday. The initiative, which kicked off a week before Rosh Hashanah and continues until Sukkot, aims to fill this gap.

Bridging Communities

Stanton’s role as coordinator between JLIC members and סוכת שלום organizers has proven invaluable. He views this act of kindness as more than just holiday preparation. “This year, many of us feel we can’t celebrate sukkot safe in our homes without this small token of appreciation” Stanton remarks.

JLIC community members after the sukkah frame is up.

Success in Action

The impact of the initiative was immediate and heartwarming. After the first sukkah was built, Stanton shared an enthusiastic note with the JLIC community:

“Well done to the first round of Sukkah builders! We had fun, we put a smile on a brave soldier’s family’s faces, and I’ll pass on that our photos even made a scene in the national volunteer group chat. They loved to see us getting involved!”

Looking Forward

As the campaign continues, the JLIC community’s efforts serve as a shining example of how Jewish organizations can extend their reach and make a tangible difference in the lives of those who serve. It’s a powerful reminder that community isn’t just about those within an organization, but about reaching out and supporting the broader Jewish family.

Through initiatives like this, JLIC Jerusalem is not just building sukkot, but building bridges, strengthening the fabric of Jewish unity one act of kindness at a time.

Reach out to any of our Directors to learn more about and to support JLIC and our programming.

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