Category: National Blog

Dvar Torah: Tu B’Shvat - Learning How to Blossom to Reach our Potential
Dvar Torah from Rabbi Menachem Schrader, Founding Director of JLIC and Director of Oversease Program at Nishmat.
Learn about Orthodox Jewish life on 15 major college campuses!
For the first time ever, JLIC offers an extensive description of Orthodox Jewish life on 15 major college campuses, with more to follow in the future. With information about daily Orthodox life, kosher food, minyanim, Shabbat and holidays, learning opportunities and more, this is one unique resource that is essential for any parent or child considering college in the near future. Available by campus or as one inclusive document.
Dvar Torah: Parshat Bo (2)
A Small Light Dispels Much Darkness by Shira Heller, JLI educator at Boston University In my son's school, there is a bulletin board with photos of the first graders. The photos display cute, smiling little children and are pasted on to yellow papers cut in the shape of a flame. Across the top of the bulletin board it says, "A small light dispels a lot of darkness." I smile whenever I see that bulletin board, thinking of how much light those children bring to the lives of their parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends. I smile to think of how these children are first learning the light of Torah and Judaism, being instilled with a life-long flame of love for Hashem, the Torah, the Jewish people... Read the rest of this entry
Shteig During the Strike!
by Miryam Spiegel When the strike was called 2 and a half weeks ago, students greeted it with a mixture of both relief and contempt. From one perspective, most of the Orthodox students at York University had been through a grueling few weeks of midterms and post-chag catch-up, and everyone needed a break. On the other hand, it left everyone in a position of uncertainty. At the very least, it meant inconvenience, at the most, difficulty for graduating students and those hoping to study in Israel during the second semester. Whatever the case was, most students began the strike by embracing some much needed time to breathe... Read the rest of this entry
Maryland Presents: Jewish Women Throughout The Ages
JLIC at University of Maryland recently arranged a fabulous night of learning with various women in the community, entitled, "Jewish Woman Throughout The Ages." Four very different women spoke about a different aspect of women in Judaism... Read the rest of this entry
Manicure For The Cure at UMD
JLI at the University of Maryland partnered with AEPhi to raise over $1800 for tzedakah for Sharsheret, a national organization for young Jewish women with Breast Cancer. Manicure For The Cure was a day long event, in which students signed up to recieve manicures given by maniucurists at the American Beauty School in Weaton, MD. Essie cosmetics sponsored the nail polish for the event, allowing a large percentage of the proceeds for the manicures to go directly to Sharsheret... Read the rest of this entry
The Daily Princetonian
Brandeis JLIC sponsored a Senior-Alumni Shabbaton the weekend of March 28-29, 2008. The Shabbaton, which was a central part of the Brandeis JLIC's Senior Seminar series, brought six recent Orthodox alumni back to campus as a resource for this year's huge observant senior class as they move on to the next chapter of their lives, whether graduate or professional school or work...