Category: Press

Go West Young Couple: How a Young Rabbi and his Wife Migrated from New York to LA
GO WEST YOUNG COUPLE: HOW A YOUNG RABBI AND HIS WIFE MIGRATED FROM NEW YORK TO LA, TOOK OVER A PROGRAM FOR ORTHODOX STUDENTS AT UCLA, AND BUILT A THRIVING CAMPUS COMMUNITY By Rabbi Aryeh and Sharona Kaplan In recognition that the overwhelming majority of Modern Orthodox college students are being educated at secular universities, […]
Baltimore Jewish Times: A College Park Shabbat
February 5, 2010 Naomi Kohl Special to the Jewish Times A major feature of the Orthodox Union’s Heshe and Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus program—which is found on 15 major campuses in the United States and Canada, including the University of Maryland in College Park—is Friday night Shabbos dinner, in which the young […]
The Cornell Daily Sun: Orthodox Jewish Community Builds Ehruv on Campus
January 29, 2010 – 2:27am By Elizabeth Krevsky Observant Jews in the Cornell community can finally enjoy extended freedom during the Sabbath, thanks to the official establishment of the Rabbi Morris Goldfarb Memorial Ehruv. An ehruv — a physical structure enclosing a larger area into a single domain — enables Jews to carry items such […]
The Canadian Jewish News: Orthodox students have support on campus, panel says
By SHERI SHEFA, Staff Reporter Thursday, 10 December 2009 TORONTO — Jewish student group leaders, rabbis and Orthodox Jewish students held a panel discussion last week to let concerned community members know that there are many opportunities available for Orthodox Jewish students on secular campuses. Toronto’s JLIC director Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, left, and Hillel of […]
The Jewish Star: Asking the right question about secular college
Jewish Learning Initiative turns 10 By Michael Orbach Issue of December 4, 2009/ 17 Kislev 5770 To go or not to go is no longer the question. “75 percent of the graduating population of the Modern Orthodox day-schools are not going to YU or Touro,” asserted Rabbi Ilan Haber, director of the Jewish Learning Initiative […]
Harvard JLIC Rabbi Publishes First Ever Book Combining Judaism and Twitter
Press Release of Twitter Torah Twitter Torah brings the profundity of the Torah to you in 140 character messages based around the weekly Torah portions. The book shares insights from seven unique and thoughtful people. The contributors to this book all come from different places in the Jewish community: traditional and non-traditional, men and women, […]
Rutgers JLIC Holds Health & Jewish Law Series
When competing with college exams, a multitude of classes and papers, and extracurricular activities including sports and internships, campus organizations need something pretty special to lure college students to a campus program. The Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) of the Orthodox Union had just that when it sponsored a six-part -Health and Halacha (Jewish […]