
Welcome to JLIC Good For The World. Across the world JLIC communities of students and young professionals donate their time and charitable giving to help vulnerable groups and those in need in all manner of ways. With a pool of thousands of volunteers across more than 25 locations in the US, Israel and Canada we are uniquely placed to enable young Jews to bring good to the world.

This Purim our matanot l’evyonim projects will help many of the most vulnerable in Tel Aviv and New York including those experiencing homelessness and Shoah survivors, as well as those most impacted by the war including those evacuated, injured or bereaved. To donate to our matanot l’evyonim projects please write ‘Purim’ in the notes below;

Since October 7, 2023 more than 1000 JLIC community members on the ground in Israel in 5 cities have been doing everything they can to ensure that those who have lost so much have everything they need. Our approach has followed a simple two-step formula:

Firstly, to make ourselves available to those who are suffering or in need – be they the injured or bereaved, families of hostages, IDF units or evacuated communities – and to provide whatever assistance is needed through our large and nimble network of volunteers.

Second, to take this initial meeting-in-a-time-of-crisis, and to work hard to turn our connection into an ongoing relationship, being there for the evolving needs of those we have met.

Through this approach we have helped many thousands of individuals and families and continue to be there for those impacted by the war as we seek to rebuild Israeli society after October 7th and to take her to new and better places. Thank you for your partnership in supporting this crucial work. For any questions or if you would like to get involved, please email