JLIC at UCLA proudly celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut last week! Following an evening alumni BBQ in the Kaplans’ home a special tefila chagigit at Hillel, students joined the broader Jewish campus community for a celebration in the center of campus. Music, dancing, speeches and an incredible energy made the event powerful and memorable for participants.
The winter academic quarter ended with an inspiring community wide JLIC siyum. Inspired by a student, in memory of a family friend, the siyum rejuvenated the culture of learning at Hillel and attracted an overflowing, wide-ranging crowd of student participants. The communal efforts strengthened the bonds between students, made learning more prevalent and ended the quarter with a strong cooperative accomplishment.
The JLIC Educators were instrumental in planning and executing the Yom Hashoa memorial on campus at UCLA. The evening program, spearheaded by a committee of passionate students, featured an opening address of personal reflections from Sharona Kaplan, JLIC Educator at UCLA. The memorial, occurring around an iconic pile of empty shoes, attracted approximately 40 students and was featured on the front page of the campus newspaper the following day.
Kudos to our friends at UCLA!