OU-JLIC’s Memorial for Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l

Over the past week or so, OU-JLIC has been honoring Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l in different ways. At NYU, Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Corinne Shmuel ran an evening of memories and reflections for Rabbi Sacks zt”l who had a profound impact on their community. Nearly 200 students and alumni attended. The evening was emotional for everyone who attended. Rabbi Matti and Shira Kahn (OU-JLIC at Princeton) ran a Shiur and dinner event in memory of Rabbi Sacks zt”l. In Givat Shmuel, Rabbi Yehuda and Chagit Peles (OU-JLIC at Bar Ilan) had a Friday night tisch which was dedicated in Rabbi Sacks memory. Many came out to share their own memories and torah that they learned from him. They have started a daily nach Shiur in his memory as well.

This coming Sunday evening (11/22at 8pm EST) OU-JLIC will be running a virtual memorial gathering as well. The event will have remarks by: Rabbi Menachem Schrader (OU-JLIC Founding Director), Rabbi Shaul Robinson (Senior Rabbi at Lincoln Square Synagogue), Mrs Lauren Steinberg (OU-JLIC at Yale),  Juliana Lynch (NYU Student) and Rabbi Joe Wolfson (OU-JLIC at NYU).  The link to join is zoom.us/j/598456557