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Weekly YouTube Divrei Torah from Harvard OU-JLIC’s Rabbi Ben Greenberg
Posted on April 28, 2011
For Weekly Divrei Torah check out the YouTube Channel for Harvard JLIC
Parshas Shemini – from the Izhbitzer Rebbe
Posted on April 13, 2010
Ki Tisa Chet Ha’egel Under or Over (Rated)…
Posted on March 8, 2010
The Omer and Eternity
Posted on May 8, 2009
The Weekly Dose of Torah Rabbi Avi Heller Director of Jewish Education, Boston University Hillel Emor 5769 (May 9, 2009)
Weekly Dose of Torah: Acharei Mot & Kedoshim (5/2/09)
Posted on May 3, 2009
by Rav Avi Heller, JLIC Boston U. Topic: Nadav and Avihu Redux, This week's Weekly Dose of Torah was generously sponsored by Ron and Jennie Offer and family. There's an old (and unflattering) joke that a Rabbi a priest and a minister were arguing about how to distribute a certain sum of charitable donations. The minister suggested that they draw a circle on the ground and throw the money up in the air. Whatever landed outside the circle would go to the poor and whatever landed inside the circle would be divided into the accounts of the church and synagogue. . .
Parsha All Cats 2
Posted on February 8, 2009
JLIC Torah
Parsha All Cats 1
Posted on February 8, 2009
JLIC Torah
Posted on February 7, 2008
acharei_mot_-_TATTOOS_IN_JEWISH_LAW.doc beshalach_-_the_hands_of_Moshe_winning_the_war_against_amalek.doc bo_-_chipazon.doc kedoshim_-_shatnez.doclech_lecha_-_i_will_not_take_even_a_shoe_strap_from_you.docLech_lecha_-_She_is_My_Sister.docNOACH_-_WILL_THE_WORLD_EVER_BE_DESTROYED_AGAIN.docNoah_flood_historical_-_mekorot.doctazria-metzora_-_do_we_have_tzaraat_today.doctazria-metzora_-_do_we_have_tzaraat_today.docterumah-vayakhel_-_RAIDERS_OF_THE_LOST_ARK_-_where_is_the_ark_today.docvayehi_-_angle_wanting_to_kill_moshe_at_the_malon.docvayeira_-_who_were_the_three_angels.docvayeishev_-_dibatam_raah_of_yosef.docvayeishev_-_dibatam_raah_of_yosef.docvayeitzei_-_HOW_COULD_YAAKOV_MARRY_TWO_SISTERS.docvayikra_-_do_we_need_sacrifices_today.docvayikra_-_How_to_Relate_to_Korbanot_-_3_parts.docvayishlach_-_did_Yaakov_and_Eisav_end_up_as_friends_or_foes.docyitro_-_taam_elyon__tachton_for_aseret_hadibrot.doc