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Hilchot Rosh Hashana
Posted on September 21, 2009
written up by Rabbi Kaplowitz, JLIC educator at Brandeis.
From Genut to Shevach: A Psychological Debate
Posted on May 3, 2009
Shiur by Rabbi Aaron Greenberg
Why are there so many plagues and who are the intended audiences?
Posted on April 6, 2009
Shiur by Prof. Reuven Kimelman of the Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Department (NEJS), as part of the JLIC Learn-a-Thon
Day of Judgement: Biblical Verses or Hazal?
Posted on September 22, 2008
Shiur by Rav Meidan of Yeshivat Har Etzion on September 18, 2008 (in advanced Hebrew)
A note on Repentance…
Posted on March 3, 2008
The following was originally published in The SHPiEL, a bi-weekly student-run Jewish newspaper out of the University of Florida. Repentance. Not a Jewish Word. You can?t marry a woman under false pretenses. If a man says to a woman, ?Marry me on account of the fact that I am rich man,? and it turns out […]
Happy Adar
Posted on February 13, 2008
What's with the mitzvah to be happy during Adar? Where does this mitzvah come from, and what can we learn from it? Why is this commandment emphasized so much in Talmudic and Rabbinic sources? By Shira Klayman, sophomore
Posted on February 7, 2008
Rosh HaShanah BLOWING_SHOFAR_ON_SHABBAT.doc Not_eating_NUTS_on_Rosh_Hashanah.doc rosh_hashanah_-_tekiot_dmeyushav_Sefarad_VS_ashkenaz.doc Rosh_hashanah__new_years_eve_-_one_and_the_same.doc Teshuvah_for_sins_and_for_character_traits.doc Yom Kippur Kol_Nidrei_-_Yom_Kippur.doc Teshuvah_for_sins_and_for_character_traits.doc UNDERSTANDING_THE_MINHAG_OF_KAPPAROT.doc Sukkot BUYING_AND_SELLING_ALIYOT_on_simchat_torah.doc DANCING_AND_CLAPPING_ON_SIMCHAT_TORAH.doc Chanukah al_hanisim.doc HANNUKAH_the_victory_of_light_over_dark.doc JLIC_GUIDE_FOR_CHANUKAH.doc maoz_tzur.doc Purim MISHLOACH_MANOT.doc WHY_DOES_THE_MEGILLAH_END_WITH_TAXES.doc Pesach Hiding_ten_pieces_of_chametz_for_bedikat_chametz.doc JLI_PESACH_GUIDE_-_5767.doc kitniyot.doc The_Place_of_Hallel_at_the_Seder.doc Sefirat Ha'Omer Lshem_yichud.doc Prayers_Surrounding_Sefirat_HaOmer.doc sefirat_haomer_-_happy_or_sad_time.doc Yom Tov BUYING_AND_SELLING_ALIYOT_on_yom_tov.doc DANCING_AND_CLAPPING_ON_YOM_TOV.doc yom_tov_-_TAKING_A_SHOWER_ON_THREE_DAY_YOM_TOV.doc
Purim vs Halloween, Us & Them
Posted on November 15, 2007
shiur by Rabbi Yisroel Porath
Hoshana Rabba—Judgment Day
Posted on November 5, 2007
Wednesday is the holiday of Hoshana Rabba, an obscure and little-recognized moment in the Jewish calendar. Few people are aware that it is one of the holiest days of the year -- a day akin to Yom Kippur. It is the last day of Sukkot and it is the day on which the land of Israel is judged for water.
Simchat Toroteinu
Posted on October 10, 2007
On Simchat Torah, we read the verse "The Torah was commanded to us by Moshe, a morasha (inheritance) to the congregation of Yaakov." It is interesting that the Torah uses the word morasha and not yerusha (which also means inheritance).... by Rivka Weiss, sophomore