1 - Tefillot Kneged Avot or Tamidim
2 - Tashlumin
3 - Tefillat Mussaf
4 - Mincha Ketanah and Gedolah
5 - Walking in Front of Person Davening
6 - Arvit Reshut
7 - Aggadah Rabban Gamliel vs Rabbi Yehoshua
8 - Bowing During Tefilla
9 - Havineinu
10 - Tefillat Haderech
11 - Facing East for Davening
12 - Chazarat HaShatz
13 - Inserts to Shemonah Esrei I - Mashiv HaRuach Ten Bracha
14 - Inserts Into Shemonah Esrei II -Havdalah Ata Chonantanu Hamelech Hakadosh and Hamelech Hamishpat
Supplamentary Mekorot - Shiur 14b - Chap 4 - Inserts to Shemonah Esrei III - Yaaleh Vyavoh and the Nature of Rosh Chodesh
15 - Yaaleh Vyavoh and the Nature of Rosh Chodesh - Inserts into Shemonah Esrei III
16 - Birchat Shomeiah Tefillah
17 - Kavanah in Tefillah