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Tackling Tefilla
Shiur by guest speaker Rabbi Pollac
A Joyous Moment
fun times at Rutgers minyan
Torat Emet - Weekly D’Var Torah Publication
Parshat Toldot
Divrei Beit Hillel
"Learning from Others"
"God Bless You"
"Mm Mm Good"
and Nachi and Jomo! -
The Yetzer Harah
Overcome your Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) and don't oversleep-- come to davening! Shiur by Rabbi Yisroel Porath.
Elevating the Bad
How to respond to those who do bad. One needs to differentiate between the sin and the sinners. Shiur by Rabbi Yisroel Porath.
Netilas Yadayim part 2
Shiur by Rabbi Reuven Boshnack on the halachot (laws) of netilat yadayim (washing hands)