Rabbi Menachem Schrader

Rabbi Menachem Schrader

Founding Director

Rabbi Menachem Schrader studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University. He has a BA in Philosophy from YU, an MA in History from NYU, and received his Smicha from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is married to Rina, and they have five children. In 1981 Rabbi Schrader and his family moved to Israel, and have been living there since. He was on the Torah studies faculty of  Yeshivat Hamivtar, teaching Talmud, Bible, and Halachah. He was the director of the Aliza Flatow program at Nishmat. He has been community rabbi of Moshav Carmel in the Judean Hills and of Congregation Tiferet Avot in Efrat. In the year 2000 he founded the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus of the Orthodox Union, and continues to serve as its Founding Director. 

To speak to Rabbi Schrader, email him at Menachemschrader@gmail.com