Tal Attia

Tal Attia


Tal Attia is JLIC’s Chief Operating Officer. In addition broader oversight over the organization, Tal drives the recruitment and placement of JLIC’s all-star staff. She previously served as JLIC Director at Brandeis and Binghamton Universities with her husband Isaac. Tal is passionate about community-building, Jewish and Experiential education, and mentorship. After learning in Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY), Tal received a BA in Psychology from Stern College for Women, and an MA in Nonprofit Management & Leadership from Hebrew University. In Israel, she worked for Ayeka Center for Soulful Education, and MMY as an Activities Coordinator (Rakezet). While on campus, Tal participated in the Matan-Eshkolot Professional Development Fellowship for Jewish educators. She is an avid reader, enjoys hiking (especially in Israel!), and can often be found perusing studies about Psychology or Adaptive Leadership. Tal and Isaac live in Long Beach, NY with their adorable (if they do say so themselves) children.

To contact Tal Attia please email  attiat@ou.org