On February 9th, 2024, the Princeton University Jewish community witnessed a momentous occasion as Yavneh, the umbrella organization on campus for orthodox Jewish life, celebrated the dedication of a new Torah scroll. The הכנסת ספר תורה (Hachnasat Sefer Torah) ceremony, made possible through the generous donation of Mr. and Mrs. Sipes, marked a significant milestone in the community’s spiritual journey.
The timing of the dedication proved particularly meaningful, falling between Shabbat Shirah and Parashat Yitro – a period that encompasses both the Shira and the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. JLIC directors Rabbi Azi and Atara Horvitch, along with JLIC students, coordinated this beautiful celebration, with Rabbi Azi providing his expertise in the selection of the Torah scroll.
In his moving address to the community, Rabbi Azi shared insights from the Chatam Sofer, who emphasized how the purchase of a Torah scroll demonstrates profound reverence for God and creates a lasting legacy for future generations. He noted that this dedication would be remembered and discussed by the donors’ children and grandchildren, inspiring continued devotion to Jewish tradition.
The rabbi drew a powerful parallel between the Torah and song, explaining that just as music transcends mere words to touch the heart, Torah study goes beyond intellectual understanding to create a deeply emotional and spiritual connection. Quoting Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, he emphasized that while Judaism is indeed a religion of words, it breaks into song and melody whenever it reaches for the spiritual realm – reaching beyond the grasp of reason alone.
One of the most compelling messages shared during the ceremony was the unique relationship between the Torah and its learners. As Rabbi Azi explained, every Jew has their own distinct letter in the Torah, symbolizing a personal connection that creates something entirely new each time someone engages with the text. This beautiful concept, supported by Rav Kook’s teaching, suggests that Torah study not only enlightens the learner but actually expands and magnifies the Torah itself.
The dedication celebrated not just the physical scroll of parchment and ink, but the living encounter between the community and the Divine. For Princeton’s JLIC, where Torah learning through shiurim, chavrutot, and independent study is already an integral part of community life, this new Torah scroll represents an opportunity to further strengthen and expand their commitment to Jewish learning and tradition.
The community expressed profound gratitude to all those involved in bringing this project to fruition. As the Torah found its new home at Princeton’s Yavneh, it stands as a testament to the community’s dedication to Jewish learning and spiritual growth, promising to inspire generations of students to come.
Reach out to any of our Directors to learn more about JLIC and to support our programming.
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