OU-JLIC caught up with Alumni Appreciation Month (May) 2019 grand prize winner, Benjamin Margolin, who won $500 worth of meats several co-branded grill aprons, courtesy of Abeles & Heymann. Ben graduated from Brandeis University in 2017 and currently works for Navigant Consulting as an anti-money laundering consultant.
What was your reaction to learning you won the grand prize and to receiving all that meat?
B.M. To be honest, I was in complete shock. I’m not one to usually enter, let alone win, sweepstakes like this. That being said, anyone who knows me knows my appreciation for good kosher meat. When I got home from work one day, suddenly I had four large boxes from A&H waiting for me. I was ecstatic, to say the least (even if my roommates don’t like that I’ve taken over the fridge). Not only do I appreciate winning the grand prize, but of course I appreciate what OU-JLIC did for me throughout my four years at Brandeis. OU-JLIC was instrumental in me growing Jewishly, and I am forever grateful for their work. It’s nice to not only give back personally, but that A&H has chosen to support OU-JLIC. Thank you A&H!
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What is your favorite memory from OU-JLIC?
B.M. OU-JLIC helped initiate a “kollel” program on campus, whereby students of all ages come together in the beit midrash at the same time, every evening, to just learn together. We helped motivate each other, and we transformed our beit midrash from a quiet library to a bustling place of Torah learning.
What are your plans for the grand prize?
B.M. Some of the meat I already brought to a Shabbat meal, but most of it is going to be used for a barbecue. Anyone reading this who lives near Washington Heights is welcome to join!