Yavneh’s Fall 2024 Kick-off Shabbaton: A Weekend of Leadership, Community, and Inspiration

From September 13th to 15th, 2024, Yavneh hosted its much-anticipated National Shabbaton, bringing together over 200 passionate Jewish students from colleges across the United States. The event, held at  Ramah Day Camp in Nyack, NY, buzzed with energy as participants from various Yavneh programs converged for a weekend of learning, growth, and connection.

Yavneh: A Core Division of JLIC

Yavneh is a program of JLIC and is one of its core divisions. This connection underscores Yavneh’s commitment to fostering vibrant Jewish communities and leadership on college campuses across the nation.

Yavneh students on the Fall Shabbaton

A Gathering of Future Leaders

The Shabbaton welcomed a diverse group of attendees, including first-time Yavneh fellows, LEAD fellows, National Board members, Yavneh Mentors, JNF-USA staff, JLIC representatives, Mizrachi, and National Yavneh Staff. This mix of experiences and perspectives set the stage for a truly enriching weekend.

Shabbat: A Time for Reflection and Connection

As the sun set on Friday, the air filled with anticipation. After group pictures and a warm Shabbat welcome, participants dove into leadership sessions, embodying Yavneh’s commitment to fostering student leadership within the Jewish community. The evening culminated in a lively Oneg, where songs, inspiring words, and delectable desserts brought everyone together.

Shabbat day unfolded with davening, Kiddush, learning sessions, and a communal lunch. But the afternoon held a special treat that many participants eagerly awaited: the Unconference Conference.

Yavneh Fellows at the Fall Shabbaton

The Unconference Conference: Where Passion Meets Discussion

The Unconference emerged as the highlight of the Shabbaton for many students. The session is designed to bring directed discussions and idea-driven conversation into the shabbaton schedule. This innovative format allowed participants to choose from a variety of topics and engage in discussions prepared and facilitated by their fellow students. The enthusiasm was palpable, with many sessions running over their allotted time and continuing into afternoon break.

“My Unconference conference was focused on alternative leadership. The point was to have participants think deeply about their values to discover what kind of leader they want to be. Instead of traditional back-and-forth discussions, I challenged the fellows to stand up and answer value-based prompts.  They were asked to take a position and justify their point of view to each other. This sparked civil discourse about important leadership qualities and more importantly, it allowed them to realize their strengths and weaknesses.”

– Sam Kinches – UMASS Yavenh Fellow

This year’s Unconference covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • Secular Leadership
  • Building up a Small Community
  • Conflict Resolution for Non-Polysci Majors
  • ConnectJew: A Conference on Jewish Networking and Community Building
  • Being Your Best Social Butterfly: A Discussion About Social Sensitivity
  • Large-scale programming
  • Challenging the Status Quo
  • Thinking Outside the Box: How Can I Contribute to My Campus?
  • Big Pond, Little Fish: Leading in a Large Community
  • “Anything is Possible”: Spearheading Jewish and Pro-Israel Initiatives on Your Campus
  • Sincerely Me: Finding Ourselves in Alternative Leadership
  • Let’s Talk About Israel
  • The Secret Ingredient to Kneading the Perfect Event!

The JNF-USA team joined in on the discussions, particularly enjoying the sessions on “Anything is Possible: Spearheading Jewish and Pro-Israel Initiatives on Your Campus” and “Let’s Talk About Israel.”

These student-led discussions exemplified Yavneh’s core values of student leadership and community building. Participants learned from each other, formed bonds, and ignited their passion for making a difference on their campuses.

Yavneh Fellows at the Fall Shabbton having fun wearing their school's shirts and sweatshirts.

Wrapping Up with Warmth and Inspiration

As the sun set on Shabbat, the energy continued with a cozy campfire and Melave Malka. The flames flickered, mirroring the spark of inspiration in the eyes of the participants.

Sunday morning wrap-up sessions, allowed students to reflect on their experiences and plan for the future. As they departed for their respective campuses, the air was charged with enthusiasm and determination. These young leaders left with new friendships, memories, concrete ideas, and the motivation to bring positive change to their Jewish campus communities.

A Special Thanks to Our Partners

JNF-USA a Yavneh on Campus partnerThe success of the Fall 2024 Kick-off Shabbaton, and indeed all Yavneh programming, would not be possible without the unwavering support of our partners. We extend our gratitude to JNF-USA for their ongoing partnership and dedication to nurturing Jewish student leadership. Their commitment to our mission has been instrumental in creating impactful experiences like this Shabbaton.

The Fall 2024 Kick-off Shabbaton proved once again that Yavneh’s commitment to student leadership and Jewish community-building is not just a goal, but a living, breathing reality. As these inspired students return to their campuses, we can’t wait to see how they’ll transform their newfound knowledge and connections into action, continuing to strengthen and enrich Jewish life on campuses across the nation. With the continued support of partners like JNF-USA, and as a core division of JLIC, Yavneh is poised to make an even greater impact in shaping the future of Jewish student leadership.

Reach out to any of our Directors to learn more about and to support JLIC and our programming.

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