A Festival of Light and Unity: JLIC...

In the heart of Tel Aviv, the JLIC community came together in a dazzling display of unity and celebration to mark the festival of Chanukah. With 150 members in...

WashU Chesed for Israel: Students Unite to...

In the spirit of unity and giving, students at Washington University in Saint Louis recently participated in a heartwarming initiative called “WashU Chesed for Israel.” This program, organized as...

Touchdowns for a Cause: Todah Bowl 2023...

On Thanksgiving Day, our Los Angeles JLIC and Yavneh community, under the visionary leadership of UCLA student and Yavneh fellow Alex Rubel, gathered for a meaningful and exciting event—the...

Grilling for Heroes: A Night with the...

In the heart of JLIC Tel Aviv’s tight-knit community lies a hero, a member of the esteemed 669 Search and Rescue Unit, who graciously allowed us to share an...

Blooms of Unity: How a Multi-Part Effort...

In a heartwarming tale of collaboration and compassion, members if the JLIC community orchestrated a multi-part, multi-involved initiative that not only saved and purchased flowers from a struggling farm...