OU-JLIC Haggadah Round Robin

On Thursday April 2nd, OU-JLIC is joining together for its Annual OU-JLIC Haggadah Round Robin event! Need a d’var Torah to share at your family Seder table? How about six!...

OU-JLIC with Rabbi Sacks

Last week OU-JLIC was joined by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks for a few minutes of Torah via zoom!

Student Spotlight – Jonathan Linder

Interview by Hani Lowenstein, Associate Director of Community Projects, OU-JLIC: Jonathan Linder grew up in Teaneck, NJ and attended Moriah School and Ramaz Upper School. A sophomore at Rutgers University, he...

A support system for college in Israel

This advice was submitted by Rabbi Yehuda and Chagit Peles, OU-JLIC Mizrachi Educators at Bar-Ilan University. I am considering attending college in Israel after I complete my gap year...

Pathways To The Heart

From 2007-2009, as part of OU-JLIC’s weekly Mishmar program, Brooklyn College Students were treated to homemade kugel, cholent and Divrei Torah from the Izhbitzer Rebbes. Dozens of students attended...