Student Spotlight – Jonathan Linder
Interview by Hani Lowenstein, Associate Director of Community Projects, OU-JLIC: Jonathan Linder grew up in Teaneck, NJ and attended Moriah School and Ramaz Upper School. A sophomore at Rutgers University, he is majoring in Political Science and is planning to pursue Semicha. Jonathan, whose involvement in the Rutgers community began as the ‘scrambled egg maker’ after davening, is […]
A support system for college in Israel
This advice was submitted by Rabbi Yehuda and Chagit Peles, OU-JLIC Mizrachi Educators at Bar-Ilan University. I am considering attending college in Israel after I complete my gap year program. If I decide to stay in Israel for college, how can I ensure that I am in the most supportive framework? Being far away from […]
Pathways To The Heart
From 2007-2009, as part of OU-JLIC’s weekly Mishmar program, Brooklyn College Students were treated to homemade kugel, cholent and Divrei Torah from the Izhbitzer Rebbes. Dozens of students attended these classes, rain or shine, Fall, Spring, Winter and even during Summer vacation. In order to help students follow, understand and review what they were learning, […]
How to handle blind roommate assignments
This advice was submitted by Rabbi Alex Ozar and Lauren Steinberg, OU-JLIC Educators at Yale University. How do I handle blind roommate assignments when my roommate might therefore not be frum, or even Jewish? At some universities, first year students do not get any input into who their roommates are. Instead, they fill out a […]
Considering Leadership Opportunities When Choosing a College
This advice was submitted by Rabbi Hart Levine, Director of Student Leadership Development for Yavneh On Campus and Founder of Heart to Heart. What leadership opportunities can I find within my college Jewish community, how can I evaluate the opportunities at different schools, and how should that affect my choice of where to enroll? College […]
Chicken Soup for the Student
When students at NYU are feeling a little under the weather, Rabbi Joe and Corinne are there to bring them home-made, seasoned with love, chicken soup. Watch the video for their secret recipe (just kidding, but do watch their story.)
New To Campus: Kosher Food @ Ryerson University
About half-way through Rebecca’s hour-fifteen commute to school, she realized she had forgotten to pack any food for that day. She had been so busy preparing for upcoming exams the previous night, she hadn’t had time. Luckily Rabbi Aaron Greenberg from OU-JLIC was going to be on campus that day, and he practically always brought […]