Esrog from the Shmitah Year
This shiur explains the halachic status of an esrog that grew during the shmitah year, the problem with buying such an esrog, and how to overcome it. There is also a short description of the mitzvah of Hakhel at the end of the shiur (the last 4 minutes). This shiur is by Rabbi Menachem Schrader,
Yom Kippur: Intentionality and Sincerity in Our Service of Hashem
Mekorot- yom-kippur-rabbi-menachem-schrader As we embark upon the Asseret Yemei Teshuvah and prepare for Yom Kippur, our sources and Sages remind us that beyond our actions, Hashem requires thoughtfulness, intentionality, and sincerity in our service of God. This shiur is by Rabbi Menachem Schrader, Founding Director of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC). The shiur
Rosh Hashanah: The Transformation of Malchuyot Zichronot and Shofarot
Each of the brachos of Malchuyos, Zichronos, and Shofaros transform the meaning of that bracha’s theme from the beginning of the bracha through its end. In Malchuyos the transformation takes place from Aleinu to Al Kein, In Zichrinis it takes place from the introductory paragraph to the quotation of the psukim, and in Shofaros it
Mekorot on Masechet Sanhedrin
Mekorot on Masechet Horayot
Mekorot on Masechet Makot
Mekorot on Masechet Avodah Zara
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