Yael Schranz, a rising junior at Cornell University, is currently making her mark as a participant in the JLIC Summer Ascend program. This summer, she is interning at OurCrowd in the Investor Relations department, a role that exposes her to the Israeli startup world. As an Economics and Sociology major, Yael is exploring various career paths, including non-profit administration, venture capital, and consulting. Her time at Cornell has been a period of significant personal and professional growth, and her experiences this summer in Israel are further shaping her aspirations.

A Spiritual Journey: Embracing Observance and Community

Raised in a conservative Jewish home, Yael has always valued her Jewish identity. However, it was during her gap year in Israel she became more observant, seeking a deeper connection with her faith. This spiritual journey led her to the JLIC Summer program, where she found a supportive environment to grow in her Judaism, observe Shabbat, and engage with like-minded individuals who share her values.

Experiencing Israel: A Land of Diversity and Holiness

The decision to join the JLIC Summer program was a pivotal one for Yael. She chose the program not only to immerse herself in Jewish learning and observance but also to experience the unique diversity of Jewish life. The program offered her a chance to connect with fellow participants who come from a variety of Jewish backgrounds. Spending the summer in Israel is a special and holy experience for her, as it allows her to witness the tapestry of Jewish life and culture firsthand.

Members of the JLIC Summer program on their trip to the south of Israel.

An Inspiring Encounter

The JLIC Summer Mission to the south literary. One of the highlights of her summer was a trip to the south of Israel, where she and other program participants visited the Nova Festival and the town of Ofakim. The trip was guided by Itamar, a police officer and a true hero, who shared his harrowing yet inspiring experiences from October 7th, 2023. On that day, Itamar courageously saved many lives during the terrorist attack, an act of bravery that left a profound impact on Yael and the rest of the group.

Itamar’s story of resilience and dedication to his community was both humbling and inspiring for Yael. She was moved by his commitment to protecting others, even at great personal risk. During their time together, Itamar opened up about his struggles with PTSD and his concerns for his children’s mental health. He shared that therapy is crucial for his children’s well-being, but the cost of $1,200 per child for a series of 12 sessions is a significant burden for his family.

A group picture of the JLIC Summer program group visiting the south

Taking Action

Deeply affected by Itamar’s story and the needs of his family, Yael took the initiative to launch a crowdfunding campaign to support them. She was determined to help alleviate some of the financial stress and ensure that Itamar’s children receive the therapy they need. In her appeal, Yael emphasized the importance of mental health support and the impact that even small donations could have on the family’s recovery.

Pictures of Itamar from Yael's fundraising page

Looking Ahead: A Future of Service and Impact

Yael’s involvement in this campaign is just one example of how her time in the JLIC Summer program has strengthened her commitment to her faith and nation. Her experiences in Israel have deepened her desire to make aliyah after graduation and serve in the Israel Defense Forces. She sees this as a way to contribute to the country she loves and to be part of something greater than herself.

As a JLIC Yavneh fellow, Yael has also developed valuable leadership skills and a deeper understanding of her religious identity. The fellowship has been a significant part of her religious journey, providing her with opportunities to engage with her peers, lead community initiatives, and explore Jewish traditions. This summer, surrounded by the rich cultural and spiritual landscape of Israel, she has continued to grow and find new ways to connect with her heritage.

Yael’s time in the JLIC program has been transformative, not only in terms of her professional development but also in shaping her future aspirations. Her story is a testament to the impact one person can have when they are guided by a strong sense of purpose and compassion.

Reach out to any of our Directors to learn more about and to support JLIC and our programming.

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