Category: Brandeis University

A JLIC Purim Crossover Story
From Brandeis to Tel Aviv: Purim Unity Across Continents with JLIC Purim, the festive Jewish holiday celebrating the salvation of the Jewish people from the hands of the villainous Haman, is not just about dressing up in costumes and indulging in sweets. It’s a time of unity, giving, and spreading joy. This year, the JLIC […]
Unity and Support: A JLIC Rabbi’s Personal Account from the Frontlines of Gaza
In the midst of conflict and hardship, stories of unity and support often emerge as beacons of hope. Rabbi Ariel Cohen, The JLIC Rabbi at Brandeis University and an IDF Commander, shares his firsthand experiences during the war in Gaza. The following is a summary of his experiences that he shared during a presentation given […]
JLIC at Brandeis Update
Things have been busy for Rabbi David and Ariel Pardo, JLIC educators at Brandeis University.  Since hosting all of Alpha Epislon Pi, AEPi (An international Jewish Fraternity with a chapter at Brandeis) for dinner, a few of the brothers have started coming to Shachris on a consistent basis, and others have been seeking the Pardos out. […]
Brandeis welcomes new Torah educators
Brandeis welcomes new Torah educators By Staff reports Wicked Local Waltham WALTHAM —   With the academic year well underway and the Jewish fall holidays in the past, Rabbi David and Ariel Pardo are prepared to look ahead for their first year on campus as the new Torah educators at Brandeis University as part of […]
JLIC Brandeis Honors Rabbi Elliot and Toby Kaplowitz
Students, alumni, and friends of JLIC at Brandeis came together on Sunday, April 28 for a Lag Ba-Omer Champagne Brunch honoring Rabbi Elliot and Toby Kaplowitz for their six years of dedicated service as Co-Directors of JLIC at Brandeis.  Highlights of the event included reflections on the Kaplowitzs’ work by Daniel Kasdan, a current senior, […]
Mazal Tov to the Kaplowitzes!
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Elliot and Toby Goldfisher Kaplowitz, JLIC Directors at Brandeis University on the birth of a baby girl!
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Elliot and Toby Kaplowitz
Our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude to Hashem upon the birth of our son today – May 27, 2010/ 14 Sivan 5770—at 1:02am. Toby and baby are doing great. The baby weighed 7 pounds and was 19 inches long. Big brother Yisrael was thrilled to meet his “new baby”. God-willing the /bris/ (circumcision and baby naming) will take place on Thursday June 3 (21 Sivan) in Waltham, MA. Exact details on the time and location will follow. A Shabbat afternoon Shalom Zachor (gathering celebrating a baby boy’s first Shabbat in this world) will take place at our home at 4:00pm. Mazal Tov! Love, Rabbi Elliot, Toby, Yisrael and Little Baby Kaplowitz