Category: National Blog

What has united 400 people over 4 continents? The 929:Tanakh B’yachad WhatsApp group organized by Rabbi Joe Wolfson, OU-JLIC Educator at NYU. 929: Tanakh B’yachad, started by Rabbi Benny Lau in 2014, was created with the goal of Israelis across the religous spectrum learning one perek of Tanakh every Sunday-Thursday. This summer, the first cycle of Tanakh […]
OU-JLIC Mission to Tree of Life Synagogue/Squirrel Hill
Motzei Shabbat, as soon as news hit of the tragic Tree of Life attack, OU-JLIC, Shalhevet, the Orthodox student club at NYU, and the Bronfman Center sent a mission of students to the Squirrel Hill community to offer support and solidarity. OU-JLIC at NYU Torah Educator, Rabbi Joe Wolfson coordinated rides for the students and solicitation of funding to […]
Love of Israel Possible at American Universities
(October 24, 2018 / JNS) My time at NYU did not affect my decision to make Aliyah; I was rock solid on that decision before I began orientation. However, my decision to make Aliyah did affect my time at NYU. Though I moved to Israel after completing my university degree, my motivation to move was strengthened through my […]
Surviving the College Application Process
The prevailing wisdom is that junior year of high school is the toughest. However, Ross Mankuta, director of college counseling and academic planning at Milken Community Schools, disagrees. “We’re firm believers that senior year is the hardest year,” he told the Journal. “They are taking their hardest curriculum in high school while simultaneously applying to college.” […]
Ari Fuld Memorial Hoshana Rabah Night of Learning
There is a custom on the night of Hoshanah Rabah to stay up learning (similar to Shavuot night). This year, OU-JLIC’s night of learning at Binghamton University  was dedicated to the memory of Ari Fuld, who was killed in a terrorist attack days before Yom Kippur.
Keeping Your Eye On The Journey
With guest blogger, Max Gruber: I am immensely grateful to OU-JLIC’s Summer in Jerusalem program for giving me the opportunity to grow on a religious, professional, and social level. Each morning I begin my day with a minyan of dedicated college students from around the world who care deeply about their religious commitments. Following Shacharit, […]
More Than Just An Internship
With guest blogger, Gila Samouha: “Excuse me… Do you know where this goes?” I doubtfully asked a hospital employee in my broken Hebrew, holding up a bag of blood. That was the beginning of a very fulfilling summer… As college students begin to get into the groove of the next milestone in their lives, desperately […]