Category: National Blog

Support JLIC and Yad Eliezer with Matanot La’Evyonim
Fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanot La’Evyonim while supporting JLIC and Yad Eliezer with your donation. Check it out and donate here
Brandeis welcomes new Torah educators
Brandeis welcomes new Torah educators By Staff reports Wicked Local Waltham WALTHAM —   With the academic year well underway and the Jewish fall holidays in the past, Rabbi David and Ariel Pardo are prepared to look ahead for their first year on campus as the new Torah educators at Brandeis University as part of […]
Spotlight on one of JLIC at NYU’s Newest Programs: Women’s Beit Midrash (WBM)
When one walks into the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life’s beit midrash on its second floor, one might expect tobe greeted by the low rumble of students reading and discussing Jewish texts, the sight of students hunched over books, learning individually and in chavrutot (pairs). When one walks into the beit midrash on a […]
Yom Ha’atzmaut and Lag BaOmer Festivities at Cornell
On the night of Yom Ha’atzmaut Rav Ami and Eliana Silver organized a festive Yom Ha’atzmaut tefilla, including live music, singing and dancing.  Given that the other celebrations on campus were festive and social in nature, this provided students with an opportunity to express their thanks to Hashem for this day and integrate it into […]
JLIC Ontario and Guelph’s Niagara Falls Shabbaton
Over 35 students joined the Greenbergs (JLIC-Ontario) and the Levitts (JLIC Guelph) for a remarkable Shabbaton in Niagara Falls Ontario. Shiuim were given by  the scholar in residence Rabbi Gemara (that is his real name) in addition to Drashot, speeches and discussion groups that were led by Rabbi Aaron Greenberg and Rabbi Daniel Levitt. On […]
UMass Students (and Rabbi!) at Maryland Basketball Tournament
Students from  JLIC campuses participated  National Hillel Basketball Tournament  at the University of Maryland. Rabbi Yosi Eisen, JLIC educator at Umass-Amherst joined students for the tournament. “We had a great time, met tons of cool people, and we can’t wait to go back next year. Having Rabbi Eisen on our team was awesome and it’s […]
JLIC Brandeis Honors Rabbi Elliot and Toby Kaplowitz
Students, alumni, and friends of JLIC at Brandeis came together on Sunday, April 28 for a Lag Ba-Omer Champagne Brunch honoring Rabbi Elliot and Toby Kaplowitz for their six years of dedicated service as Co-Directors of JLIC at Brandeis.  Highlights of the event included reflections on the Kaplowitzs’ work by Daniel Kasdan, a current senior, […]