Letter from Penn JLIC about Ben and...

Rabbi Mordy Friedman, JLIC co-educator at Penn, wrote a letter to his students about purchasing ice cream from Ben and Jerry's after Pesach. Ben and Jerry's is owned by...

Cornell Eruv Goes Up

The Cornell Eruv has been completed, and we thank the Cornell Eruv Committee for its hard work and dedication.

Please see the full article in The Cornell Daily...

A Taste of the JLIC Fellows’ Experience...

by Mordechai and Nisa Harris
This past weekend saw a resurgence of life to the SUNY Albany Shabbat community (despite the fact that it's right before finals). Hillel brought...

JLIC in The Canadian Jewish News

Orthodox students have support on campus, panel says
By SHERI SHEFA, Staff Reporter
Thursday, 10 December 2009

TORONTO — Jewish student group leaders, rabbis and...

JLIC in The Jewish Star

Jewish Learning Initiative turns 10
By Michael Orbach
Issue of December 4, 2009/ 17 Kislev 5770

To go or not to go is no longer the question.