Yachad Toronto Seeks University Students

Yachad, an organization that provides integrated programs for youth and adults with special needs, is in need of advisors for the upcoming year.
Their advisors are typically University students...

Parashat Naso

Dvar Torah from Rabbi Menachem Schrader, founding director of JLIC.

The last verse in Naso, quite out of the blue, describes how Moses would communicate with God...

Exciting New JLIC Campus Enrichment Fellowship!

Exciting New JLICampus Enrichment Fellowship!

The JLICampus Enrichment Fellowship seeks thoughtful, intelligent, dynamic, entrepreneurial, motivated, and passionate young men and women who are seeking to be the...

Tazria Metzorah

Dvar Torah from Rabbi Menachem Schrader, founding director of JLIC.

It is commonly assumed in Midrash that the ritual impurity of Tsora'at is a punishment for the...

JLI Learn-a-Thon

JLIC presents a LEARN-A-THON

An inter-campus opportunity to learn Torah and support JLIC while you're at it!

Sponsored learning runs from March 29 through April 4.

Rutgers JLIC Holds Health & Jewish Law...

When competing with college exams, a multitude of classes and papers, and extracurricular activities including sports and internships, campus organizations need something pretty special to lure college students to...