Parshat Beraishit

Dvar Torah from Rabbi Menachem Schrader, founding director of JLIC.

One of the surprising features of the Six Days of Creation is that Man and land animals...

Tehillim Request

Dear JLIC community,
Rav Chayim Balter, an outstanding talmid chacham and baal midos, and founding donor of JLIC, has been hospitalized at the cardiac unit of Shaarei Tzedek...

A Taste of a JLI Fellow’s Experience...

by: Darren Levin and Shlomit Cohen
After a long week replete with anticipation and excitement, we finally embarked on our first visit to Washington University in St. Louis. After...

Yachad Toronto Seeks University Students

Yachad, an organization that provides integrated programs for youth and adults with special needs, is in need of advisors for the upcoming year.
Their advisors are typically University students...

Parashat Naso

Dvar Torah from Rabbi Menachem Schrader, founding director of JLIC.

The last verse in Naso, quite out of the blue, describes how Moses would communicate with God...