National Blog

Mazal Tov to the Magences!
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Avishai and Nomi Magence, JLIC Directors at the Johns Hopkins University on the birth of a baby girl!
Mazal Tov to the Rothsteins!
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Naftali and Tali Rothstein, JLIC Directors at the University of Illinois on the birth of a baby boy!
Join us on our Birthright Israel Trip!
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Mr. Fisher Goes to Washington
On June 14-15, 2011, twelve Orthodox Jewish college students who are active participants in JLIC (Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus) attended the OU’s IPA (Institute for Public Affairs) annual mission to Washington DC. As one of those participants, I have chosen to write about the experience from a student’s perspective….
Rav Manachem Schrader’s Perush on Parshat Bereishit: Part I
Preview Rav Menachem Schrader, the founder of JLIC's, perush (commentary) on Parshat Bereishit in English today! Download the PDF
Merchant of Venice
To debate the issue of “Shylock, Shakespeare, and the Jews: Antisemitism in the Merchant of Venice,” OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Steven Weil participated in a round-table discussion at The Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, just a short walk around The Battery from the OU ‘s lower Manhattan offices. The program was presented in conjunction with The Public Theater, which originally staged the Merchant of Venice in 1962 and did so again in 1995 and last summer – with the celebrated actor Al Pacino playing Shylock. The play then moved to Broadway for a limited run, ending in February of this year. Read More
The Sefas Emes Project
Rabbi Reuven Boshnack, JLIC educator at Brooklyn College, authored "The Sefas Emes Project", a collection of Rabbi Boshnack's Shiurim on the Parsha based on the teachings of the Sefas Emes. It is available at The Sefas Emes Project