Category: National Blog

JLIC UCLA’s Kaplans Present at Santa Monica College
Rabbi Aryeh and Sharona Kaplan presented to a classroom full of Jewish students at Santa Monica College this week. Through a provocative conversation on the value of time in relation to actively counting the Omer, students hoping to transfer to UCLA got a taste of JLIC and the Torah, energy and conversation that it offers.
Lipa Shmeltzer at JLIC Johns Hopkins
This past Shabbat, we had the privilege of hosting Hasidic pop star Lipa Schmeltzer at the Hopkins Hillel. It all started when Aaron Tessler, a Junior at JHU, extended the invitation to Lipa to experience a Shabbat with our wonderful Jewish community at Hopkins. Lipa, currently a college student himself, decided to accept the offer […]
JLIC at UCLA Inspire With Spring Events
JLIC at UCLA proudly celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut last week! Following an evening alumni BBQ in the Kaplans’ home a special tefila chagigit at Hillel, students joined the broader Jewish campus community for a celebration in the center of campus. Music, dancing, speeches and an incredible energy made the event powerful and memorable for participants. The […]
The JLIC/OU Collegiate Leadership Shabbat
The leadership of the Orthodox Union and the Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) brought together over 25 Orthodox campus leader from over 20 college campuses* throughout North America for the 2nd Annual Orthodox Collegiate Leadership Summit.
Announcing the JLIC Fellowship Program
JLIC is pleased to introduce their new Fellowship Program in conjunction with Kesharim, made possible by a generous grant from The Shlomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation.
Announcing the IOU Summer Internship
Looking for a summer internship? Check out this great opportunity from the OU.
Support JLIC and Yad Eliezer with Matanot La’Evyonim
JLIC and Yad Eliezer team up to make a perfect Purim. With your donation you will support both JLIC and fulfill the mitzva of matanos l’evyonim through Yad Eliezer.