Embarking on a journey to a foreign land not only opens our eyes to new cultures but also presents a unique opportunity to give back and make a positive impact. For those with a passion for volunteering and a desire to connect with the vibrant community in Israel, the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) is thrilled to introduce the JLIC Israel Volunteer Network—an innovative platform that facilitates meaningful volunteer opportunities for visitors from abroad.

The JLIC Israel Volunteer Network is designed for individuals traveling to Israel who wish to engage in volunteer work while experiencing the rich tapestry of Israeli life. This platform serves as a bridge, connecting like-minded individuals with diverse volunteer opportunities across the country. Whether you’re interested in grilling for soldiers, contributing to agricultural initiatives, assisting evacuees, engaging in programming for kids, or delving into logistics, the JLIC Israel Volunteer Network has something for everyone.
A group of JLIC community members Volunteering in Israel

Upon approval, participants gain access to an exclusive WhatsApp group. This group serves as a hub for sharing information about various activities taking place in different JLIC communities. It’s a dynamic space where volunteers can learn about upcoming opportunities and connect with others who share their commitment to making a positive impact.

For those who have previously joined JLIC groups as temporary visitors, the Israel Volunteer Network becomes the go-to space for connecting with like-minded individuals and discovering volunteer opportunities that align with their passions. This shift reflects the growing need for a dedicated space where volunteers can come together, share experiences, and collectively contribute to meaningful causes.

It’s important to note that the opportunities presented on the platform are shared as they are, and JLIC does not coordinate guest participation. This decentralized approach empowers volunteers to take the initiative and engage directly with the organizations and causes they are passionate about.

If you’re ready to make your visit to Israel even more impactful, the JLIC Israel Volunteer Network invites you to sign up and become part of a community dedicated to making a difference. Visit https://oujlic.org/israelvolunteer/ to join the network and embark on a journey of connection, compassion, and collective impact. Together, we can turn the spirit of volunteerism into a powerful force for positive change in Israel and beyond.

This is another example of the many programs the JLIC Israel team has done to help those impacted by the Gaza war. Learn more about JLIC or support our Good for the World initiatives.