JLIC Mizrachi at Technion experienced a memorable Shavuot celebration this year, under the warm and spirited guidance of Rav Evan and Tova Levine. The couple, known for their dedication...
JLIC Mizrachi at Technion experienced a memorable Shavuot celebration this year, under the warm and spirited guidance of Rav Evan and Tova Levine. The couple, known for their dedication...
In the tranquil days between May 19th and 22nd, a meaningful journey unfolded under the guidance of Rav Azi Horvitch, the JLIC Director at Princeton University. This Chasidic retreat,...
On May 29, 2024, the Columbia Barnard JLIC community had the honor of hosting the Chief Rabbi of England, Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis. This momentous occasion, facilitated by Rabbi...
In the quiet aftermath of a night marred by violence, the JLIC Tel Aviv community led by Rav Joe Wolfson and Corinne Shmuel found a path to healing and...
In the heart of Jerusalem lies the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT). Here, amidst the intense academic schedule, Rabbi Simcha and Margalit Herschman lead the charge as JLIC directors....
Rebecca embarked on a transformative journey with the JLIC Israel Summer program. Little did she know, her summer experience would become the catalyst for future success. Rebecca, a dedicated...
In the heart of the San Fernando Valley, amidst the bustling campus of California State University Northridge (CSUN), lies a community striving to uphold tradition while embracing modernity. David...