A Tapestry of Resilience and Community In the city of Herzliya, amidst the vibrant energy of Israel, lies a community bound together by resilience, faith, and unwavering support. Within...
A Tapestry of Resilience and Community In the city of Herzliya, amidst the vibrant energy of Israel, lies a community bound together by resilience, faith, and unwavering support. Within...
In the wake of Iran’s attack on Israel, the Technion’s JLIC community found themselves grappling with emotions ranging from fear to uncertainty. It was April 14, 2024, a night...
As Passover approaches this year, there’s a buzz of excitement in the air at Washington University in St. Louis. For the first time ever, Rabbi Shlomo and Kyra Ashkanazy,...
As spring blooms, the Jewish community at Yale University eagerly prepares for the festival of Passover, a time of reflection, celebration, and tradition. At the heart of this vibrant...
Hey there, dodgeball enthusiasts and philanthropists alike! We’ve got some exciting news to share from the JLIC Rutgers community that’ll make you want to jump up and cheer—well, maybe...
As spring unfolds the University of Chicago’s Jewish community eagerly anticipates the arrival of Passover. In the heart of this excitement, Rav Yehudah and Hannah Auerbach, the dynamic JLIC...
As Passover approaches, Jewish communities around the world prepare to embark on a journey of remembrance, reflection, and renewal. For the Jewish students at UCLA, this sacred time is...