Yad Eliezer and JLIC join forces on Purim
Click here to make a Purim donation to Yad Eliezer and JLIC
Rabbi Menachem Schrader at York University
To listen to Rabbi Schrader's shiur on Kedusha and the Mikdash please visit York's page and click on the Shiurim tab!
Order MasTERPiece: a Kedma/JLIC Haggadah
Find out about this stunning, fully-functional Haggadah; compiled by students, it provides 40+ incredible divrei torah authored by university peers!
JLIC Amazon Affiliates Program
JLIC is now linked to Amazon.com!
Please click on the link under the homepage calendar to make any Amazon purchases (you will be helping to support JLIC).
JLIC December 2010 Conference
The JLIC December 2010 Conference took place Dec 23-26 in Reisterstown, Maryland. The educators were able to discuss topics of importance to them via the "open space technology" model employed. The conference was successful and productive thanks to all those in attendance! Pictures to come....
Chanukkah Shiur
JLIC Rabbi Aaron Greenberg's Chanukkah Shiur! Find it under York's Shiurim. Chanukkah Sameach!
Guide to the Laws of Chanukah Candles
Follow this link for a guide to the laws of Chanukah, compiled by the Rothsteins, the JLIC couple at University of Illinois.