Learn about Orthodox Jewish life on 15...

For the first time ever, JLIC offers an extensive description of Orthodox Jewish life on 15 major college campuses, with more to follow in the future. With information...

Dvar Torah: Parshat Bo (2)

A Small Light Dispels Much Darkness
by Shira Heller, JLI educator at Boston University
In my son's school, there is a bulletin board with photos of the first graders....

Shteig During the Strike!

by Miryam Spiegel

When the strike was called 2 and a half weeks ago, students greeted it with a mixture of both relief and contempt. From one perspective,...

Manicure For The Cure at UMD

JLI at the University of Maryland partnered with AEPhi to raise over $1800 for tzedakah for Sharsheret, a national organization for young Jewish women with Breast Cancer. Manicure For...

The Daily Princetonian

Brandeis JLIC sponsored a Senior-Alumni Shabbaton the weekend of March 28-29, 2008. The Shabbaton, which was a central part of the Brandeis JLIC's Senior Seminar series, brought six...

Brandeis Alumni Shabbaton

Brandeis JLIC sponsored a Senior-Alumni Shabbaton the weekend of March 28-29, 2008. The Shabbaton, which was a central part of the Brandeis JLIC's Senior Seminar series, brought six...